Scale Your Home Care Company with Scalable Caregiver Recruiting

Scale Your Home Care Company with Scalable Caregiver Recruiting

Research shows the biggest barriers to growing your home care company are related to the caregiver shortage, recruiting, and retention…

by Stephen Tweed

Research recently conducted by The Home Care CEO Forum, Leading Home Care, and AxisCare show that the biggest barriers to growing your home care company are related to the caregiver shortage, caregiver recruiting, and caregiver retention.

To get more insights into overcoming that barrier, we turned to our Resource Partner, Carework, for some insights.

A great article on their Blog is titled “Unlocking Growth: Scalable Caregiver Recruiting for Home Care Agencies.”

Here are some insights from this article that you can apply to scale your recruiting in order to scale your company:

  • It is your responsibility to make sure that the job that they get is with you.
  • You don’t hit that level of growth until you figure out your recruiting and retention process.
  • We have what we call a caregiver-first philosophy. This means we’re going to prioritize the caregiver’s needs and improve their experience at every step of building a caregiver-first hiring process.
  • Finding out what caregivers need and are looking for is not a guessing game or a shot in the dark.
  • We at Carework, love data. Data sets you free from the emotional rollercoaster.

Rachel Gartner, CEO of Carework shares these insights about tracking your hiring metrics. “Here are a few data points to implement tracking today for even the most limited agency (due to budget, bandwidth, and tolerance to change):

  1. Your number of applicants.
  2. Your cost per applicant.
  3. The number of booked interviews. 
  4. Successful Interviews
  5. Hires
  6. Cost per hire

“This gives you a basic view of your recruiting funnel and if you track this every week which is what we recommend you can see these changes over time. You can make immediate adjustments before it impacts your hiring results. You can also forecast your future results.”

For more details on this process of scaling your business by scaling your recruiting, read the entire article: