By Stephen Tweed
If you could wave your magic wand, and make your home care company anything you want it to be,
what would it look like?
What is your five-year Vision for your company?
What is your three-year picture?
What are your goals for 2024?
HCAF Private Duty Symposium
I had the privilege of being invited to deliver a presentation to the annual Private Duty
Symposium hosted by the Home Care Association of Florida. We had a great audience of home care
company owners and CEOs from across the sunshine state, and we had a terrific interactive discussion
about the process of Visioneering Home Care.
Visioneering is the process of “seeing a clear mental picture of a possible and desirable future,
developing a strategy to get there, and attracting the talent to execute with excellence.” We’ve learned
that we can have a huge impact on the future of a home care company by helping the leadership see a
possible and desirable future for their business, and then helping them develop a strategy to get there.
The tool that is most helpful in this process we call the Vision Summary Worksheet. This is a one-sheet
summary that documents the five-year vision, details of that vision, the vision critical metric, and a five-
year goal for that vision critical metric.
We worked with the team to develop a three-year picture of the business along with a three-year
goal for that one vision critical metric. We follow that with an exercise to define three specific one-year
goals. The feedback from the audience at the Private Care Symposium was fabulous.

Seven Elements of Visioneering Home Care
Working with several hundred home care companies
over the past two decades on this process, we have
refined it to seven specific elements:
- Assessment – Where are we now?
- Environmental scan – What are the Forces and
Trends shaping the future of home care? - Direction – Where are we going? What
- Distinction – What makes us unique in our local marketplace?
- People – What do we need to do to get the right people on the bus?
- Processes – How will we automate our systems to provide repetition and consistency?
- Performance – What are the key metrics we use the measure the successful performance of our
As a leader in home care, if you can take time each year to answer these questions and develop a clear strategy for your business, then you dramatically increase the probability that you will fulfill the vision you have for your company. For many of our Home Care CEO Forum members, fall is the time that they plan their regular leadership retreat to work through this Visioneering process.
Join us for the Home Care CEO Executive Strategy Retreat
To give you the opportunity to apply these principles to your business, and to engage with other home
care business owners, the Home Care Association of Florida has invited is back in December for a two-day Home Care CEO Executive Strategy Retreat. We will get together with a select group of home care company leaders to work through each of the seven elements of Visioneering Home Care. We will be at the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside on December 12th and 13th, 2023. For a day and a half you will immerse yourself in the process of creating your vision, crafting your strategy, and defining the talent you need to execute with Excellence.